Schwabacher’s Landing May 2023

View of Teton Mountain Range at Schwabacher Landing.
Schwabacher’s Landing

In May 2023, my wife Hideko and I drove across Oregon and Idaho to Jackson Hole and spent several days in Grand Teton National Park. Schwabacher’s Landing was one of the places we most enjoyed visiting.

Schwabacher’s Landing road, 4.0 miles north of Moose Junction, leads you down a road cut in the sage-covered river bench to your first close-up view of the side channels and islands for which the Snake is famous.

A Guide to Exploring Grand Teton National Park, Linda L. Olson & Tim Bywater, p. 66.

The birdsong at this location in mid-May is outstanding–we identified seven songbirds in one short recording, using the Cornell Ornithology Lab Merlin Bird ID app.

Screenshot of Merlin Bird ID app

We also spotted a pair of Barrow’s Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica) and Hideko captured photos, one showing the female on a nest, and the other the male displaying the beautiful white marking on his wings.

Photo by Hideko Bodley
Photo by Hideko Bodley

I recorded about two minutes of video, providing a more immersive sense of the scene.

May 13, 2023

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